Electrolux S-Bag Ultra Long Performance Dust Bag - E210S
Product Classification: Original
Choose standard bag Ultra Long Life Performance for an optimum cleaning performance from your vacuum cleaner. Standard bag Ultra Long Performence provides your cleaner with extreme suction power during the entire lifetime of the bag. Thanks to the excellent filtration in the multilayer material even the finest dust will be captured and you will have clean air in your room.
Content: 3 pcs
• Electrolux: AirMax, Bolido, Calrio, Ergospace, Excellio, JetMaxx, Maximus, Oxygen, UltraSilencer, UltraOne
• Philips: City-Line, EasyLife, Expression, Fuchsia, Gemini, Mobilo, Universe, FC 8027/01, FC 8721 Performer Expert, FC 8726 Performer Expert, FC 8727 Performer Expert, FC 8955 Performer Ultimate, FC 9182 Performer Pro, FC 9192 Performer Pro, FC 9194 Performer Pro, FC 9197 Performer Pro
• Tornado
• Volta