Viessmann 26 kW WB1B Heat Exchanger - 7828745
Product Classification: Compatible
This heat exchanger is suitable for lots of models of Immergas, Viessmann. Please compare your model below before order.
Product Code: 7828745, 7829304, 1.022220, 21000605201100.
Suitable Models:
Immergas: Eolo Mini Kw. , Eolo Mini 24 3E, Nike Mini 24 3E, Nike Mythos 24 2E, Eolo Major 24 4E
Junkers: Euroline ZW23-AE, ZW23-KE, ZW18-AE, ZW18-KE, OW23-AE, OW23-KE, OW18-AE, OW18-KE.
Viessmann: 26 kW WB1C,26 kW WB1B,Vitodens 100-W7,30 kW WH1D,24 kW WH1D,Vitopend 100-W, WH1B
Neva Lux: 8224, 8624.
Termet: MiniMax, Dinamik.
Alpha CM 24 : 3.021692, 1.028657, 1.031610