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Lansinoh Feeding Bottle 160 ml - 53451

Stock Code: KG0023149
Lansinoh Feeding Bottle 160 ml - 53451
Lansinoh Feeding Bottle 160 ml - 53451
Lansinoh Feeding Bottle 160 ml - 53451
UPC: 53451
You’ll be spending quite a bit of time feeding your little one especially in the first months, which will give you ... Read More
2 or more $11.00 5 or more $10.08

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    Lansinoh Feeding Bottle 160 ml - 53451

    Product Classification: Original

    You’ll be spending quite a bit of time feeding your little one especially in the first months, which will give you the chance to bond and get to know each other.

    It’s important to know that exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of baby’s life and in combination with other foods up to the age of 2 years and beyond. During this time, you may choose to express and have a supply of breastmilk always on hand for whenever your partner or caregiver need to feed your baby and you are not there.
    Remember to focus on establishing a good nursing relationship and milk supply through regular breastfeeding in the first few weeks after birth. Get breastfeeding well established (around weeks six to eight), before considering introducing a bottle.
    It is important for you to know that baby will go back to breast when you are back, so choosing the right feeding bottle to avoid nipple confusion is essential. The NaturalWave Bottle is designed to help maintain established breastfeeding patterns, so that mums can switch between breast and bottle with ease and confidence.

    This feeding bottle is manufactured by Lansinoh. It is used for toddlers in a safe way for a very long time.


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