Ferroli Domicompact Flow Switch and Filling Tap Long Version - 39818280
Product Classification: Compatible
Depending on the power of the boiler, the filling taps are different for the same boiler model. Outwardly they are very similar but differ in size. Therefore, when ordering a filling tap for Ferroli boilers, pay close attention to the power of the boiler.
You can check the size of the filling tap visually.
The filling tap of the heating system is connected to the volute of the circulation pump on one side and to the flow switch on the other.
Make sure that fits by comparing your model below, before to order.
Suitable Models:
Ferroli - Domiproject,Domicompact,FerEasy,DomiCompact,Fereasy,Domicondens F24,Domicondens F28,DOMICOMPACT F30D,DOMICOMPACT F24D,Domiproject C32D,Domiproject F32D,Domitech C32D,Domitech F32D,Domicompact F30D,Domicompact F24D,Domicompact C30D,Domicompact C24D,Domicompact F24,Domicompact F30,FerellaZip C24,FerellaZip C30,FerellaZip F24,FerellaZip F30,Divatech C 32,Divatech F 32,Divatech Micro F 32,Domicompact C24,Domicompact F24 ,Domiproject C 32d,Domiproject C32,Domiproject F 32 N,Domiproject F32,Domiproject F32 Bp,Domiproject F32 D,Taura D32 Mca,Taura D32 Mcs,Domicompact C30,Domina C28N,Domina F28N,Domitech C32,Domitech F32,Easytech C32,Easytech F32,FerEasy C32,FerEasy F32